And even analyze the overlap between company email list or UTMs. In summary, a very interesting tool with a lot of resources to know what is happening with your Facebook Ads. Facebook Attribution Attributing results to campaigns on company email list and other channels is one of the marketers ' all-time headaches. And with this tool, fixing it is easier than ever. Facebook Attribution Facebook Attribution is a platform that allows you to integrate conversion information from different sources, devices and channels and see the impact they all company email list on the final conversion.
We can gather data from the main digital company email list platforms and choose the attribution model we want to work with: Data -driven – The value of the conversion is distributed across different Facebook touchpoints company email list on their estimated impact. Consistent – ​​The value of the conversion is spread evenly across all touchpoints. Last Click – All conversion weight is attributed to the user's last click. Last Point of Contact – All credit is given to the last point of contact. Positional : A specific percentage of the conversion is attributed to the first and last company email list, while the rest is distributed evenly among the other points.
Reduction by time : the percentage of the company email list of the conversion assigned is decided based on its proximity in time to the conversion. All models have their pros and cons, so you will have to choose based on the needs of your brand. With this tool, it will be much easier for you to understand the customer journey and the weight that each company email list has within it. Testing tools and results Tests and Results is a new tool from Facebook Ads oriented specifically to testing and analysis . Thanks to it, we can carry out both brand improvement and company email list increase studies.