So I knew it wouldn't take them long to implement changes to it algorithmically. And these changes could be observed during the general updates of June and July. I've covered more information about the collateral improvement I've seen in my product review update post. Color Correction Services Here are some trends for these sites during the update(s): Rollbacks from previous general updates: the gray area of Google's algorithms. In my previous articles on general kernel updates, I explained a very important point for site owners regarding recovery.
Sites that are heavily impacted by Extended Base Updates typically cannot see recovery until another Extended Base Update is deployed. There were a few exceptions, including what I saw with the product reviews update, but overall sites usually have to wait for another general update to see recovery (and that is only if the quality of the site has improved considerably over the long term). You can read my previous articles on Core Updates to learn more about this. Color Correction Services Here's a slide from my SMX Advanced presentation with information on recovering from major Google updates (including information from Google's John Mueller):Well, during this update, there were many, many examples of sites that reversed course (on a large scale) from previous core updates.
And for sites that jumped in a previous major update only to get hammered in this massive major update, this can often happen when those sites are in the gray area of Google's algorithms (where they can get out of the gray zone on an update and surge, but get back into the danger zone on the next update and give up). Color Correction Services I've explained many times before that the gray area of Google's algorithms is an infuriating place for site owners. Here is an example of a site experiencing major volatility during a number of general updates:Product Review Sites: Enough is Enough What a month it's been for product review sites…